2:00 pm - 4:00 pm
The feet contain an enormous amount of jointed surfaces, muscles, tendons and ligaments. You might move around in your daily life without ever realizing how complex and important your feet are to all the other structures built above them in your body. Come and use the Roll Model Method® to explore the wonders of your toes, ankles and feet. Learn techniques to help relieve foot pain, strengthen your foot arch, alleviate plantar fasciitis and achilles’ tendon pain, and open mobility in your hips/hamstrings/lower back all from the floor up!
Balls are required for the course – two Therapy Balls in a tote, two Alpha Balls in a tote and Coregeous Ball. Register for the workshop with or without them depending on what you have or need. You can also purchase specific balls day of – Allison will bring some extras.